Custom made cabinets and trends

Written by Marta & Oock

Custom made cabinets and trends

Custom made cabinets, wardrobes, bookcases and walkin closets in Amsterdam, Den Haag Utrecht and Holland are a big trend. In this interior blog we will try to give you a good introduction of the possibilities and trends around custom made closets.

First of all we must conclude that the "custom made and fitted cabinets" are a trend for everybody who buys or renovates a house. Everybody who is in the moving and rebuilding process has taken a look at this. We will gove some guidance in the process first of all by categorising the trend into two directions. Overall we can distinguish the custom made cabinets that serve a practical purpose and the cabinets that serve a more decorative purpose.


 1-      Custom made cabinets that give you practical solutions

Wardrobes, walkin closets or storage cabinets all are in this category. Those are cabinets that have to built in and fitted into new empty appartments, ofteh new appartments and houses are delivered without any storage solutions. Of course you can go to IKEA and buy standard storage solutions. Often this is not a good solution as those cabinets are not fitted perfectlty in the empty space. You do not use all space. Besides standard solutions are low in quality and sometimes not very pretty. 

Custom made fitted and designed wardrobes or cabinets bring solutions. The whole space is used, niches are filled and unpretty elevations can be hidden by the closet or cabinet. Besides TV or sound systems can be easily integrated.

Style and choices


Within this category there are lots of choices to be made; modern or classic, opening or sliding doors, handpainted or sprayed or in veneer as an example.

For us and our clients the first choice is the main style of the cabinet or project. A trend is to make the cabinet in the style of the house, ie the architectural elements and woodwork that stand out. In Amsterdam, Utrecht or Den Haag there are loads of houses in 30's style or older. This means panel doors, plinths and architraves in old style. Custom made and fitted cabinets can be matched easily. Generally those are the more classical types of cabinets.

In certain old houses or modern condo's or appartments we will design the fitted furnture in a very modern and straight way where the cabinets blend in the wall. A quiet though very pleasant and clean style.

Sliding doors are practical but we mostly use them in separate spaces like the second kitchens, the shed or attic. There are two main reasons for this. With sliding doors you lose a lot of space as the doors slide behind each other. Sliding doors are in our opinion are also less pretty. Opening or turning doors give a more peaceful feeling.  

Turning or opening doors can be openened by knobs or handles or by push to open systems or specially molded in grips. Special solutions also with different openings in different colors are a trend and give your walkin wardrobe this special look and feel that characterises your style in interior design.

Open of dicht?

Een gesloten kledingkast geeft rust en ruimte. Echter indien er een aparte ruimte beschikbaar is kunnen we kiezen voor de inloopkast. Het voordeel van de inloopkast is de praktische zijde. Je ziet meteen waar alles ligt en je kan “snel” schakelen bij het aan en omkleden. Wel is het hier zo dat je qua mode goed georganiseerd moet zijn, immers je wil dat je kleding er netjes bijligt.


De indeling kunnen we niet aan trend koppelen. Dit is puur persoonlijk. Lades, hang en legdelen kunnen naar wens worden geintegreerd. Speciale systemen als pull down kunnen er voor zorgen dat ook hoge kasten met hangdelen kunnen worden uitgerust.

Verder kunnen systemen voor riemen en dassen worden geintegreerd in de maatkast.

2-      De kast in de woonkamer: decoratief of modern?

Boekenkasten op maat, TV kasten en mediakasten evenals ensuite kasten plaats ik in de meer decoratieve categorie van maatkasten. Dit komt omdat ze niet direct noodzakelijk zijn en er veel meer alternatieven zouden kunnen zijn. Echter zijn dit type kasten vaak wel het hoofdmeubel en het pronkstuk in uw woonhuis waardoor het ontwerp extra veel aandacht verdient.


Stijl en trends

Deze kasten zijn wel stijl en trendgevoelig. Laten we als voorbeeld een maatkast nemen die zowel de functie van boekenkast als opbergkast heeft voor in de woonkamer.